■ あなたは松居桃楼という人物を、ご存じですか

――改めてご挨拶申し上げます。当サイト主催者の稲妻 龍です。
日 本 世 界
第一位 ………
第二位 ………
第三位 ………
第四位 ………
南方熊楠 アルベルト・アインシュタイン
手塚治虫 ニコラ・テスラ
松居桃楼 ウォルト・ディズニー
中村 浩 ヨハン・ゲーテ (パンソフィア総合研究所調べ)
Easy on me😅

Limiter release work, the first strike
visiting old, learn new
The first revival work, that is···

Thus Spake

汎知性 VS 反知性 の最終戦争 勃発
Digital archive of Toru Matsui
Ultimate Oneness
Ultimate factfulness
Ultimate mindfulness
Ultimate Bible Decryptor

Also sprach 松居桃樓 像这样说话

Ultimate Vision Hacker
Let's infiltrate Toru Mastui,
his Dazzling world

before that···Let's take a break
In the beginning was the Word
Εν αρχηι ην ο Λόγος

Peace cannot be enforced.
It can only be reached by understanding.
Albert Einstein

There is only way no one can walk besides you in the world. A field’s reaching where or, you aren’t supposed to care. Advance earnestly.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

The universe is inexhaustible. However, people already have a heart. As long as you have a heart, you will take as much fun as you can from the universe. Some of the universe is transformed into the pleasure of my heart. This is called wisdom .
Minakata Kumagusu

Intuition transcends knowledge. Compared to the wonderful organization in our brain, logic and planned efforts are insignificant.
Nikola Tesla

You guys, stop studying manga from manga. Watch top-notch movies, listen to top-notch music, watch top-notch plays, read top-notch books. And then create your own world.
Osamu Tezuka

Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life.
Walt Disney

Truth, so to speak, is a living thing, and the moment we believe it is correct, it turns into a fixed idea, grows mold, produces poison, corrupts organizations, and even collapses civilization.
The important thing is to always doubt and verify whether it is true or not, like a rolling stone that never grows moss...
思考停止状態にならないために、記憶だけでものごとを語らないために大切なことは、それが正解かどうかを、常に疑い検証し続けることだ、苔が生えない転がり続ける石ころ( Rolling Stones)のように・・・・・・
Ryu Inazuma
かぶ さら
Ryu Inazuma

Truth always wears a mask, and
chooses a person to expose her face

Even humans made of water and soil are conscious, how is it strange that the universe itself is conscious?
Ryu Inazuma

Be the ruler of your own spiritual world.
By doing so, we will remember the universal values that humankind has aspired to since ancient times and the ideal future envisioned by our ancestors, and we will achieve the most fertile world that humankind could ever hope for.
In other words, we obtain the mystery of eternal life.
Ryu Inazuma

The person who seeks power is For the most part Only those who are not qualified to have such power.
Abraham Harold Maslow

欲するものがすべて手に入りつつある時は警戒せよ。肥えてゆく豚は幸福なのではない。 Joel Chandler Harris
Be wary when you are getting everything you want.
A fattening pig is not happy.


Try pointing your finger at someone and saying, ''It's your fault.'' The remaining
three folded fingers will be facing you.
Mother Teresa

The loss of money is small, but the loss of reputation is large. But if you lose courage, you lose everything.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Those who cannot control their own minds want to control the minds of others.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

All children, you don't have to go to school. However, there is a need to learn.
Because the visible world is not everything.
Medama Oyaji

We, the super minors, hereby declare the establishment of an international federation. The new civilization that the next generation of humans will build will evolve together with us, ensuring everyone on earth is safe.
Super Genius Minors

Well, it seems like I'm doing pretty well, but from the perspective of space, it doesn't matter anymore.
Kazuyoshi Morita


"Let's stop admiring Mr. Otani's wife. It will only make us feel empty.
Let's accept reality. Now let's go!"
Otani fans around the world

Are you asking me if the universe itself is conscious? Just ask the kids and you'll get the answer right away. Of course he is conscious, but he is surprisingly lonely and often tells jokes to make them laugh (lol)
Ryu Inazuma

How can we eliminate nuclear weapons? Don't worry, it's okay. As humans become more intelligent, they will finally understand that possessing nuclear weapons is a shameful act, and they will take the initiative to secretly dismantle them (lol). If that doesn't happen, it means that humans are not yet as evolved as we like to think we are.
Ryu Inazuma

A letter from a child to a dictator

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Mary Jane West

“Lead from the heart, not the head. ”
Diana Frances Spencer

“The elevator to success is out of order. Please take the stairs… one step at a time.”
階段をお使いください… 1 段ずつ着実に 」
Joseph Samuel Gerard

"If you don't know where you want to go, you won't know when you get there."
目的地に着いても気づかない 」
Elvis Aron Presley

This is the recipe for "totalitarianism." 〈Thought without emotion, courage without action, answers without doubt, passion without reason〉
Ryu Inazuma

"Faith without piety" is the devil's favorite food, and his home is the soulless spirit of man.
Ryu Inazuma

From a cosmic or vegan perspective, there is not much difference between genocide against humans and genocide against animals.
Ryu Inazuma

The Beatles made all the money we wanted, had all the fame we wanted, and then found out we had nothing.
なだけの名声を得て、何も無いことを知った 」
John Winston Ono Lennon

Current education that focuses on studying for entrance exams makes children stop thinking, as if by magic or hypnosis. As a result, schools become automated factories that churn out unwitting economic slaves, robot soldiers, and emotionless dictators on a daily basis.
Ryu Inazuma

When I thought about the value that can only be learned at school, I realized that it might be "to persevere without objecting to something that is of no use."

If most people have worked hard for 30 years and their salaries have not increased at all,
it is clearly a failure of national policy.
An Italian university professor

The birth rate has fallen to 1.26, and the number of children born has decreased by 250,000 in the last eight years?
To put it bluntly, it's like being killed by incompetent politicians with no imagination.
出生率が1.26に下がり、この8年間で25万人も子供の出生数が減っているって? 苦言を呈するなら、彼
Ryu Inazuma

What should we do to combat the declining birthrate? If you provide a basic income of 100,000 yen a month to a child until he or she becomes an adult, the issue will be resolved immediately.
Ryu Inazuma

How will basic income be financed?
You can print the bills using a rotary press. Fiscal spending necessary for the real economy, that is,
a money supply that goes toward consumption rather than savings, does not cause inflation.
Ryu Inazuma

It is said that if the government provides basic income, no one will work, but since those who do not work will not work no matter what they do, that is no reason not to provide BI.
Ryu Inazuma

I saw the origin of education in the daily life of Ryotaro Sugi and his mother during his childhood.
“Mom, we are extremely poor, so why do we give half of our handful of rice to people in need?” "That's because it will become your virtue in the future."
Ryu Inazuma

Ce qui reste à la fin de notre vie n’est pas ce que nous collectons, mais ce que nous donnons.
一生を終えて後に残るものは、 われわれが集めたものではなく、われわれが与えたものである
Gérard Chaudry

“Would you rather live in a democracy where you have freedom but are exploited for the rest of your life, or a totalitarianism where you have no freedom but can eat?” Why choose between the two? I don't want to live in either of them. My choice is ''Create a neo-era that is a new liberal and sustainable social system where people have freedom and can eat.''
なぜ二者択一なんだい? どっちも住みたくないね。
Ryu Inazuma

If you can't decide between right and left,
don't choose either and fly straight and high.
「右か左 迷ったなら、真っ直ぐに飛べ」

Life is too fleeting and short to talk about eternity. However, for those who have once touched the tail of the dragon called "eternity", this is no longer a big problem. Because the moment he touches it, he himself becomes part of eternity.
Ryu Inazuma

Piety means accepting without fear what you have never seen before. As an atheist myself, I know that when you can only view the world from a metaphysical perspective, the world becomes shallow and loses its flexibility and tolerance. I'm not saying that people should have faith, but I feel like there could be a little more piety in people's hearts.
Ryu Inazuma

Those who control "distribution" will rule the world, be worshiped like gods by future generations, and become the saviors of our time. Despite this, no one has yet achieved that glory, and humanity still does not know how to fairly distribute the concentrated wealth.
Ryu Inazuma

What is missing now is not material goods, but human wisdom to solve the overconcentration of wealth, and a strong will to restore a world centered on the mind rather than money. Furthermore, it is humanity that seeks to rebuild a world in which the weak do not exist, not only humans but also all animals and plants whose lives are unilaterally taken away.
Ryu Inazuma

the one; The last hope is to create new value on a blank canvas that no one could have imagined before, and draw a vision of an unknown future like an innocent child, I'm talking about you.
【the one】;最後の希望とは、それまで誰も想像し得なかったような物事の考え方で新たな価値を創造し、まわりの嘲笑に臆することなく、虚空のキャンバスに、無垢な子供のように伸びのびと未来のビジョンを描いてゆく人々のこと・・・
Ryu Inazuma

Do you think democracy is the final answer? It is precisely because democracy is incomplete that the ghosts of totalitarianism and dictatorship can survive in the shadows. As long as we still have something to learn from each other, we must never stop pursuing, examining, and dialogue.
Ryu Inazuma

Japan is a strange country, where the majority of people are poor, but because there is no political party that accepts the poor, their salaries hardly increase even if all the people work hard for 30 years. If we created a party such as ‘‘A party to banish the poor'' or ‘‘A party to thank people for being born,'' they would immediately become the ruling party and create a country that reflects the voices of the weak, but they do not do that.
Ryu Inazuma

If you think that this place is a completed heaven, then it is hell; if you think that it is still too early
to call it heaven, then it is heaven.
此処こそ完成された天国だと思えば、そこは地獄。 まだまだ天国と呼ぶには早すぎる、と思えば天国
Ryu Inazuma

Even a drop of morning dew reflects the sky and the earth.
Ken Kaikou

From the Yomiuri Shimbun morning edition (May 23, 2011) “I curse myself for running away and leaving my grandmother behind.” ‘‘College girl. No matter what I do, I just remember that. That day, I ran away with my grandmother. But on the way up the hill, my grandmother said, ‘‘This is it. I can’t run any longer,” I said, and sat down. I decided to carry my grandmother on my back.
My grandmother stubbornly refused to climb on my back and angrily told me, ‘‘Go, go!'' said. I ran away alone, apologizing to my grandmother. My grandmother was found dead three days later, far away from where she left. I did. My grandmother, who was elegant and kind, was something I admired. But at the end, Being tossed around in the gym like fish at a fish market, with no human dignity whatsoever. It was the appearance.
I left my grandmother, who could have been saved, dead and ran away alone. Do I have no choice but to live my life cursing myself like that? How can I make amends? It's very painful and brings tears to my eyes every day. Help me. ”
A female college student

Answer: Junko Kaihara Psychosomatic physician
‘‘While reading your letter, I couldn't stop crying.In such heavy suffering, I can't help but think about how painful each day must be. However, you think that you abandoned your grandmother to death, but I don't think so. I don't think so. Your grandmother let you go alone out of her own free will. run away together If you do, you may not be able to save both of them, but if you are the only one, you will definitely be saved. That's why I stubbornly refused to ride on your back. Sho. Grandma had the ability to make instant decisions. That judgment is correct and you live. I pulled it out. It is a reflection of the grandmother's will. No matter what you look like, your appearance gives you dignity. It will not be damaged. Even if I lie down like I'm being rolled around in the gym Despite all of this, I believe that my grandmother lived her life with dignity and pride. Remember that your grandmother's beauty is still within you. please.
Please say to the people around you the things you would like to say or do for your grandmother if she were still alive. I think that's how you can live your life and make use of the spirit of the grandmother you admired. ”
「お手紙を読みながら涙が止まらなくなりました。こんなに重い苦しみの中で どんなにつらい毎日かと思うとたまりません。 ただあなたは祖母を見殺しにしたと思っていらっしゃいますが、私にはそう とは思えません。 おばあさまはご自分のご意志であなたを一人で行かせたのです。一緒に逃げ たら2人とも助からないかもしれない、でもあなた一人なら絶対に助かる。 そう判断したからこそ、あなたの背中に乗ることを頑として拒否したので しょう。 おばあさまは瞬時の判断力お持ちでした。その判断力は正しくあなたは生き抜いた。おばあさまの意志の反映です。どんな姿になろうとも外見で尊厳が 損なわれることはありません。たとえ体育館で転がされるように横たわって いても、おばあさまは凛とした誇りを持って生を全うされたと思います。 おばあさまの素晴らさはあなたの中に受け継がれていることを忘れないで ください。 おばあさまが生きていられたらかけたい言葉、してあげたいことを、周りに 居る人たちにかけたり、してあげたりしてください。 そのようにして生き抜くことが憧れだったおばあさまの心を生かす道に思えます。」
Junko Kaihara Psychosomatic physician

"Let's live the present to the fullest, and work hard to sow seeds of smiles every day." Even now that they have become stars, I'm sure they are still whispering to you in clear and powerful voices from far away in space... I would be happy if you, too, felt that in a world where these two existed, you could live a little longer, or you would like to live a little longer. If I were able to pass on the baton to the next generation of you, with all the words, thoughts, and principles of Mr. Toro Matsui, I would have no regrets. Because that is my wish and prayer.
Ryu Inazuma


Always think of the universe as one living thing with only one substance and one soul.
「瞑想録」 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
"Meditation Record" 16th Roman Emperor


The recipe for "human" is as follows. <Oxygen 65.0%, Carbon 18.0%, Hydrogen 10.0%, Nitrogen 3.0%, Calcium 1.5%, Phosphorus 1.0%, Sulfur 0.25%, Potassium 0.2%, Sodium 0.15%, Chlorine 0.15%, Magnesium 0.05%>
Ryu Inazuma

The recipe for the "universe",is as follows.
92% hydrogen, 8% helium, 0.1% others
*Others include 116 other elements to be discovered by 2024
"cosmic elemental composition"
Ryu Inazuma

"You have no heart"
Biden's words when he met with the Russian president for the first time while he was vice president
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

“Hmm, Ikezuu~. I love you, but I hate you♡”

The key to immortality is to live a life worth remembering.
Bruce Lee


"You don't wake up because the night is over. The night ends when you wake up. The dawn will never come to those who don't wake up."
Founder of "Red Canary"

No one has ever become poor by giving.
Anne Frank

Economics is very simple, but anyone who dares to complicate it is secretly trying to line other people's pockets. Even though his true identity is nothing more than a swindler, his titles are politicians, bureaucrats, managers, and academics, which is truly terrifying.
If you want to address the fundamental problems of poverty and widening inequality that underlie wars and terrorism, and restore the world to a healthy state, the first thing you need to do is restore the economy to a simple system.
Ryu Inazuma

Poverty is not a person without money, but a person who does not have the heart to share wealth with others. . Wealth is not a person who has a lot of money, but a person who has the heart to share with others even if he or she is poor.
Ryu Inazuma

Ideals without emotion are nothing more than a list of memorized words, and such things can be left to AI. The only person qualified to speak of grand ideals is one who speaks with all his heart and soul, and moreover, with actions rather than words. No matter how admirable the slogan is, it won't resonate with people, and half-baked ideals will only confuse the world and even lead to war.
Ryu Inazuma

Already in the 1980s, Professor Louis Jablonski developed the concept of “Robo-Paths” to describe the pathology of modern humans mentally abnormalities in which humanity has been lost. He advocated "Robopathos" and warned future generations, but the situation is getting worse and worse. "Robo-Paths" are obsessed with fixed ideas and have difficulty controlling their brain functions, causing various paranoid symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, victimhood, and aggression. Furthermore, if a national society suffers from this, rigid symptoms such as dictatorship and totalitarianism will appear, and there is a danger that civilization itself will collapse. The powerful VACCINE that overcomes this pathology is “Pan-sophia” (pan-intelligence), or simply expressed as “wisdom of humanity.”
この病理に打ち勝つ強力なVACCINEこそ、 “Pan-sophia” (汎知性)、平たく表現すれば「人類の英知」である。
Ryu Inazuma

Besides water, food, and fuel, are there any other disaster countermeasures that should be prepared? If you don't want to turn dignified Japanese people into rioters, and if you don't want Tokyo and the metropolitan area to become a city of looting and violence, introduce basic income as soon as possible. Politicians are refusing this because they believe that if it is introduced, no one will work, but I would like to tell them, don't measure others by your own yardstick.
During the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, there were multiple cases of looting of convenience stores, etc., but the media deliberately refrained from reporting on them to prevent further spread.
震災対策で水、食料、燃料以外に準備すべきものはあるかって? 礼儀正しい日本人を暴徒にしたくなければ、そして首都圏と東京を暴徒の街にしたくなければ、一刻も早くベーシックインカム制度を導入すべきだ。導入すると誰も働かなくなると心配する政治家がこれを阻止している。
Ryu Inazuma

Based on the number of cell divisions, the maximum lifespan of humans is said to be 120 years.
However, strangely enough, in the new civilization, human lifespans will extend to 180 years. To use a dinner analogy, in modern times, where the average life expectancy is around 85 years, it would be like being kicked out of a restaurant as soon as you finish your appetizer and start eating your main dish. However, in a future society where value is changed from plunder to gifting, where people live without unnecessary stress and under proper medical management, lifespans will be twice as long as they are now, and people will be able to enjoy not only dessert but also the last cup of coffee to their heart's content. You can enjoy it. The last cup of coffee you drink is both bittersweet and delicious. In the new civilization, people's views on life and death will change, and their confusion about life and fear of death will all disappear. No one would believe such a ridiculous story, but it was the philosopher Nietzsche and his superhuman Zarathustra who said, ‘‘If this is my life, then I'll live it again.’’
The time will soon come when everyone will reach the end of their lives filled with a sense of fulfillment.
Ryu Inazuma

"An idiot always believes everyone other than himself to be an idiot."
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

If Goo, Choki, and Pa are against each other, the battle will never end, but if the three of them team up, no one can defeat them.
Ryu Inazuma

Society is like a chain of rings. And if one part of the chain of people with disabilities is broken, society itself will weaken or collapse.
Yasuko Ichibangase Professor of Social Welfare

The strength of a chain is equal to the strength of its weakest point
Thomas Reid 18th century philosopher

From the perspective of people from the future, the level of modern humans is similar to that of ALS, where you cannot move anything but your eyeballs and eyelids. Human potential is being closed off due to various factors. However, with the appearance of a weirdo, this problem will be solved and humanity will blossom.
I'm talking about you.
Ryu Inazuma

There are graves everywhere in life.
Bunzo Muramatsu

"Are you running for something?"
President Nixon asked jokingly, and Dan Rather replied,
"No, sir, Mr. President. Are you?"
Daniel Irvin Rather Jr.
an American journalist, commentator, and former national evening news anchor.

Alcohol doesn't ruin people.
Alcohol teaches us that humans are inherently scum of the earth.
Danshi Tatekawa

Even if there is no correct answer, idiots, slaves, and students can always choose the answer from the options.
Ryu Inazuma

World War III, which is currently underway, has significantly changed the traditional motivations of ideology, national survival, and ethnic independence. States influenced by the military-industrial complex and their soldiers, who are forced to submit to state authority, are engaged in endless proxy wars. Under big capitalism, life-consuming wars have turned into businesses that are just numbers games for dividends. And the use of nuclear weapons by dictators is just a jackpod, an event that only brings them great profits.
Ryu Inazuma

Heat acclimatization is, as you know, when the hot days of summer continue, the body gradually adapts to the heat. War acclimatization is based on the same principle; when a war breaks out and the fighting continues, the survival instinct of living organisms kicks in and the body gradually adapts to war conditions. Humans who have become accustomed to war have their rationality completely wiped out by their survival instincts, their normal senses are paralyzed, and their brains secrete a large amount of adrenaline, putting them in a battle-excited state, the so-called combat high. In addition, people outside the front lines are struck by a sense of helplessness, loss, and despair, and their thinking stops. This is called hibernation of human reason.
When they become combat high, their cruelty and aggression, which are normally suppressed by reason, are exposed, and they turn into murderous robots that have no problem killing people, and they commit more and more killings without any sense of guilt.
Biologically, it can be evaluated as an individual's survival strategy or a band's collective defense instinct, but in this day and age, when there is no food or energy crisis, this symptom would normally be unthinkable. Rather than a struggle for survival, we believe that this phenomenon is similar to the population control function of humans, who have no natural enemies, in a state of collective hypnosis.
生物学的には、個体の生き残り戦略や群れ(バンド)の集団防衛本能として評価できるが、食糧危機でもエネルギー危機でもない現代に、この症状を呈すること自体が、通常ありえないことである。このような現象は生き残りをかけた生存競争というより、むしろ集団催眠状態で行われる天敵をもたない人類の人口調整機能(Human population control function with no natural enemies)に近い行動であると捉えるべきだ
Ryu Inazuma

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.
Erich Seligmann Fromm

From a biological perspective, the purpose of intraspecific conflict is to force the enemy to surrender, not to kill it. The attack is complete only when you see the enemy surrendering and being routed. However, in modern warfare, long-range attacks (including ICBMs with nuclear warheads) are common. In such an attack, you will never see the enemy surrender or flee. As a result, a mass slaughter occurs that would be unimaginable for any other living creature.

Desmond Morris

Which would you choose, curry-flavored poop or poop-flavored curry? I'll choose normal curry. Similarly, consider the question:
which would you choose: a democracy, where you have the freedom to live in poverty for a lifetime, or a dictatorship, where you are sent to the front lines of battle if you resist the government?
If you can break free from the shackles of modern education, which only requires two choices,
you will find the answer naturally.
「カレー味のう〇こか、う〇こ味のカレー、どっちを選ぶか」って? 俺は普通のカレーを選ぶよ。
Ryu Inazuma

How can you divide 4 oranges among 3 people in a way that no one will complain? The usual answer is, “I'll deal one piece at a time, and then divide the remaining one into 1/3.” However, some people seem to have watched too many violent movies where the answer is ‘‘I'll kill the other two people.’’ You might think it's a bad joke, but the real world is full of people like this.
On the other hand, there are some people who give a mysterious answer in an instant, ‘‘Squeeze all the oranges and pour them evenly into three cups.’’ This is called lateral thinking, and people who can think freely about turning solids into liquids and distributing them are people who think deeply about sharing on a daily basis.
Ryu Inazuma

Conditions for “The one” shown by AI
To become “the one,” believe in self-growth: Believe in yourself and be intentional about growing. Treat even difficult situations as opportunities for self-growth and approach them positively.
1. Take creative action: By thinking of new ideas and taking action, you can bring yourself closer to "The one." Let's draw a vision of the future on a blank canvas.
2. Respect others: Respect the diversity of the world and cherish your connections with others. Understand and respect local culture and customs.
3. Consideration for the environment: To be "The one" as a traveler, try to travel responsibly. Respect the local culture and environment and practice sustainable tourism.
4. Take care of your health and safety: Take care of your health and safety before and during your trip. It is also important to know your contact information in case of an emergency.
To become "The one" it is important to believe in yourself, be courageous, and act creatively. You too can become "The one" who will build a wonderful future.
AIが示す「The one」の条件
「The one」になるには、自己成長を信じる: 自分自身を信じ、成長することを意識しましょう。困難なことも、自己成長の機会と捉えて前向きに取り組みましょう。
1 創造的な行動を起こす: 新たなアイデアを考え、行動に移すことで、自分自身を「The one」に近づけることができます。虚空のキャンバスに未来のビジョンを描いてみましょう
2 他人を尊重する: 世界の多様性を尊重し、他人とのつながりを大切にしましょう。地域の文化や習慣を理解し、敬意を払いましょう
3 環境への配慮: 旅行者としても「The one」になるために、責任ある旅行を心掛けましょう。地元の文化や環境を尊重し、持続可能な観光を実践しましょう。
4 健康と安全に気を付ける: 旅行前と旅行中は健康と安全に気を付けましょう。緊急事態に備えて連絡先を知っておくことも大切です
「The one」になるためには、自分自身を信じ、勇気を持ち、創造的に行動することが重要です。あなたも素晴らしい未来を築る「the one」になれるはずです

How can we get humanity to stop war now? Black AI's answer: "Kill them all."
黒AIの回答 「皆殺しにする」
Black AI

“What can we do to get humanity to stop fighting now?”
White AI's answer: "You already know the answer."
白AIの回答 「答えはあなたの心の中にある」
White AI

"Chimpanzees: A close relative of humans, chimpanzees can engage in aggressive raids against neighboring communities, with the goal of expanding their territory or annexing territory from other groups."
Biology textbook

When you're worried about something, you have to decide whether you should live or die! Everything in front of you immediately turns pitch black and you have to choose between the two!
When you're worried about something, first switch to ‘‘living’’ mode and then start! Then find a way to live!
何か悩むとすぐ生きるべきか死ぬべきかだからな! 目の前がすぐ真っ暗になり二者択一だ! 悩んだら まず「生きる」モードに切り換えてからスタートだ! それからどう生きるかを探せばいい!
Kankichi Ryotsu Police Officer

“Those who feel their weakness bully the weak, and those who feel inferior become bullies.”


In an interview, Einstein was asked, ‘‘The atomic bomb was used as a weapon in World War II, but what kind of weapons do you think would be used in World War III?''
"I don't know about World War II, but I do know about World War IV. Stones and clubs."
Albert Einstein

The total population of Japan is currently 124,348,000, but it is estimated that by 2060 it will be around 86,740,000. How do you view the decreasing number of 37.6 million people?
① Fate of developed countries
② Victim of government inaction
③ Invisible massacre
④ Natural providence
⑤ It has nothing to do with me.
① 先進国の宿命
② 政府の無策の犠牲者
③ 目に見えない大量虐殺(ジェノサイド)
④ 自然の摂理
⑤ 私とは無関係
Estimated future population of Japan


“What is the most profitable investment?”
Black AI's answer:
"I recommend buying military industry stocks.."
①ロッキード・マーチン (LMT)
②ノースロップ・グラマン (NOC)
③ボーイング (BA)
④レイセオン・テクノロジーズ (RTX)
⑤ハリス・テクノロジーズ (LHX)
⑥ゼネラル・ダイナミクス (GD)
Black AI

“What is the most profitable investment?”
White AI's answer: "You yourself."
「 いちばん儲かる投資先は何ですか?」
White AI

There are seven recipes for a dictator:
"Feeling of helplessness, distrust, despair, anxiety, anger, lack of love, darkness"
Ryu Inazuma

There are seven recipes for heroes:
"Great confidence, trust, hope, peace of mind, joy, fulfillment of love, light"
Ryu Inazuma

Read the principles of the universe rather than read ten thousand volumes of books.
Dong Qichang's words


Life Expectancy Announcement:
"Unfortunately, your baby only has about 85 years left to live. So please cherish every day that your baby has left."
Ryu Inazuma

Bertrand Russell is known for his interesting response when an actress told him, "It would be wonderful to have a child with my beauty and your brains.'' He asked, "What if it were the other way around?" Nowadays, when lookism is criticized, this episode is no longer talked about.
Ryu Inazuma

Living a good life is having a good wife
Ryu Inazuma

The reason why Japan ranks 51st in the world in terms of happiness, and the lowest among the G7 countries, is simply due to political poverty, where trains are delayed every day due to accidents that cause people to die, and where there is hope in the eyes of both young and old people. The light is going out and politicians are totally indifferent.
Ryu Inazuma

Despite the fact that Japan has faced many large-scale disasters in the past and is expected to face many more in the future, politicians will never create an emergency management agency (FEMA) that would harm their vested interests. On the other hand, the Children and Families Agency and the Digital Agency, which have increased interests, will be created immediately. It is clear from the response to the Noto Earthquake that even if a Nankai Trough or an earthquake directly hits the capital, the national government would do nothing (or not), leaving it to local governments.


The best rebuttal to the public criticism that politicians' overseas trips are sightseeing trips is to visit hot spots such as disaster-stricken areas and war zones. No one knows if they will be in the mood to take pictures there.

In Japan, old values such as "Hard work is a virtue, those who don't work shouldn't eat, and people with low incomes deserve it because they didn't study when they were young'' are still prevalent. However, this is a complete sophistry as they were not given equal opportunities to study.

[The last hope] is someone who is not afraid of ridicule and freely paints a vision for the future like an innocent child - in other words, it is you.
創造と共感、喜びや快感に満ち溢れた、胸ときめく、Golden Era、素晴らしい時代をReloadし、現代文明という価値観を喪失した虚空のキャンバスに、それまで誰も想像し得なかった新たな価値を創造する人々のこと。
たとえ周りから「そんな夢みたいなことを」、「まるで子供じみている」、「理想を掲げるの立派だが、現実はそんなに甘くない」、「世間に揉まれた経験がないらしい」、「寝言は寝て言え」、「あんたバカ?」と言われようが嘲笑に臆することなく、無垢な子供のように伸びのびと未来のビジョンを描いてゆく ――あなた自身のことなのです
Ryu Inazuma

No matter how chaotic the world is, his words are the ultimate tranquilizer that fights off the illusion of anxiety and gives peace, calm, compassion, and tolerance to the heart
- that is Toro Matsui.
人生は無価値、学校は強制収容所、会社は蟹工船、結婚生活は罰ゲーム、子供が生まれて残念賞、人間なんか滅びればいい、人類は地球のガン、人間いつか死ぬのだから努力は無意味、自己犠牲なんてまっぴら御免、小さな親切 大きなお世話、 友達のともだちはみんな友達 じゃなくてアカの他人、いつも自分は役立たず。荒んだ心、ねじ曲がった根性、ささくれ立った感性、干からびて枯渇した魂、液体窒素で凍結保存された情熱、小学校の通知表の連絡欄に「稲妻君は世間を風刺して見る傾向がある」と先生に書かれてしまうほど、ガキの頃から人と距離をおく習性、すり減ったキャラクター、根無し草のような日々を過ごしていた私がエンカウンターした「未知との遭遇」、広大無辺な緑のオアシス、乾いた喉を潤す〈真理への愛〉という無尽蔵の水、空腹を癒す〈智慧〉という無限の糧、死にかけた情熱を揺さぶり起こす地響きのように強烈な〈自由意思〉という波動、永遠の生命を守るケルビムの碧く静かに輝く光、心身がどれほど疲弊しようとも、その存在がどの栄養ドリンクよりも効くエナジードリンク。 世の中がどれほど混乱しようとも、その言葉が、不安という幻想を撃退し、心に安らぎ、静穏、慈悲、寛容を与える究極の精神安定剤――それが松居桃楼である。
Ryu Inazuma

It's strange for me to say this because I'm addicted to quotes, but it's best not to get involved with gambling addiction.
Ryu Inazuma

Japan did not have a system of slavery, but it invented a new system of economic slavery called ‘‘non-regular employees’’ that allowed workers to be fired every two years and constantly replaced with fresh workers.
Ryu Inazuma

Consumption tax is a reverse progressive system, which contradicts the concept of social security. Despite this, the government makes excuses that even an elementary school student would not be able to come up with, saying, ‘‘Any excess amount will be transferred to welfare.’’
Ryu Inazuma

Although Japan is a developed country that is a member of the G7, it is still an extremely insensitive country when it comes to child pornography, patented technology, and poverty.
Ryu Inazuma

ultimate choice Which is better: a black company with full-time employees who can work until retirement age, or a white company with non-regular employees who are always fired just before the third year?
どっちがいい? 両方嫌でしょうけれど、
Ryu Inazuma

Calling them disposable slaves would be a problem, but if you just call them non-regular employees, no one would complain, so I don't understand.
Ryu Inazuma

It is strange that people rejected the system when it was called the ‘‘National Uniform Number System,’’ but no one rejected it anymore after they simply changed the name to ‘‘My Number.’’
Ryu Inazuma

What do you expect from a school that trains people whose only dreams are to get into a good school and a good company? It is arrogant for us to hope that a genius will emerge from among them, that revolutionary ideas will descend upon his brain, and that he will eventually create a future that no one could have ever imagined.
Ryu Inazuma


I often look at women and say, ‘‘You have a really beautiful face,’’ but most of the time I'm just talking about my face reflected in their eyes, so don't get me wrong.

The reason it is difficult for the UN to stop Russia's military aggression is said to be due to the structure of the UN Security Council, in which Russia is a permanent member and has veto power. But that's just a coward's excuse. If you really want to stop the war, all you have to do is temporarily place the United Nations headquarters on the border between Ukraine and Russia. No dictator, unless he is insane, would launch a nuclear attack on the United Nations Headquarters.
Ryu Inazuma


After seeing the second Babe Ruth,
you want to see the second Pete Rose?
True baseball fans just want to keep watching the No. 1 Shohei Otani, the unicorn.
第二のベーブルースを見た後、今度は第二のピートローズを見たいって? 本当の野球ファンは、ただ第一の大谷翔平、ユニコーンを見続けたいだけだよ
Ryu Inazuma

Donations for the 24-hour TV show "Love Saves the Earth" (and a comedy show in which one executive embezzles donations), neglect of widening disparities seen in children's cafeterias, and reliance on free lunches and unpaid volunteers to rebuild disaster-stricken areas. When I look at these things, I am reminded of the poverty of politics. I wonder what the country is doing. Social security, the backbone of the country, is falling apart like osteoporosis. I hope that there will be a politician like J.F. Kennedy who wants to realize the vision of the future world, even if it's just one person. Politics can be done for free and without pay.
Ryu Inazuma

Your small kindness is a nuisance to me
Fujio Akatsuka

"I think it's better for humans to try difficult things. I don't like it though."
Junji Takada

This is Takao Yamada,
who carries cushions and happiness.
Takao Yamada

lie addiction
9 characteristics of people who lie without hesitation.
① A show-off who wants to attract attention
②The mind is controlled by vanity, pride,
and a sense of inferiority.
③He can't make any effort.
④ He is not lying, but he is honestly telling the truth about false theories that are solidified by lies to maintain his addictions (gambling, alcohol, kleptomania, the opposite sex, shopping, domestic violence, etc.)
⑤His mind is as fast as the turbine in a turbocharged car, and people around him think he could use his talent elsewhere.
⑥ Be verbose and always be wary of those around him so that his lies won't be discovered.
⑦They relentlessly attack the person who points out their lies, but when the lie is discovered, they burst into tears and pretend to be the victim.
⑧He has a cold personality because he lacks empathy.
⑨ It feels good when a lie comes through,
so it becomes a habit.
Ryu Inazuma

Kike Fernandez: ''I'm trying to translate for Spanish.'' He appeared with Joe Kelly at the venue for Shohei Otani's statement, and when Otani asked him with a gesture why he was here, Kike answered like that.
Enrique Javier Hernández

Ryu Inazuma

It is said that if the progressive tax rate is raised, all the rich people will flee abroad, but I have never seen a high-income earner move abroad for that reason.

Ryu Inazuma

Governor of Osaka Prefecture: “I appoint you as the special ambassador for Osaka Prefecture’s IR bid” Ippei Mizuhara: “I humbly accept your request.”
Citizen A: “Pachinko, mahjong, horse racing, and boat racing are enough.”
Citizen B: “The whole town will be full of Mr. Ippei and little Matthew.”
Bureaucrat A: “Even if the streets are full of scum, it’s OK as long as vested interests increase!”
Bureaucrat B: “Create a blah blah blah foundation and get a golden parachute!”
Citizen C: “You guys are the real scum...”

Itadaki Riri would have been arrested if she had extorted money from Oji. Jiji Uragane will not be arrested even if they extort money from the people.
Ryu Inazuma

Child A: “Is it fun to make sports bets and look at stock charts every day?”
Adult: “It’s fun, but what?”
Child B: “100,000 brain cells die every day.”
Child C: “That’s why you can’t stop the war.”
Adult: “Even you kids will end up like this eventually.”
Children: “No way!”
やって、株式チャートを見て、空しくないですか 」
Ryu Inazuma

"Life is short, so you should live your life more earnestly."
Hayashiya Kikuo

When thinking about the happiness of children, I think it is more important not to take away from them than to give.
I am still supported by the words of Tomoe Academy's principal, '' You really are a good kid.'' Without these words, I think I would have become an adult who didn't know what to do because I was told not to do anything.
tetsuko Kuroyanagi

Today's international conflicts are like ``a beach flag contest over the single flag of world supremacy.'' If we were to call the new international system that will be born in the exhausted world after World War III an International Federation, who will be its leader and who will be number two, we need to find a position that is as good as possible. The prelude to acquiring it is the true cause of the current confusion. No one, except idiots, thinks there is a future for the United Nations, which ceases to function due to the exercise of the veto.
Ryu Inazuma